Symbol for cyber_security

Protect what
is important

Security for your data, applications and generally for your business - with atrete you protect what is important. As an experienced, independent and reliable partner, we are at your side for all questions regarding IT security.

atrete cyber security

Why cyber security from atrete?

Minimize IT risks, secure the basis for success

IT threats are becoming increasingly specific and complex. Your company must therefore regularly review and update its cyber security to effectively eliminate new attack vectors. We show you how.

Meeting security requirements
Security guidelines that are abstract and impossible to implement are ineffective. As Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), we develop a security framework that meets all requirements. We are then happy to manage your operations on the basis of the developed framework.

Achieving cyber resilience
Cyber attacks are a constant threat. They cannot be completely ruled out or prevented. But it is possible to keep the damage as low as possible. With our security concepts, you can recover your systems quickly and effectively after a cyber incident.

Zero Trust: more marathon than sprint
Zero Trust is still more of an idea than a product. Individual elements such as Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) or micro-segmentation can already be implemented. Extensive preparatory work is required for other elements. To avoid bad investments, we are developing a comprehensive strategy and roadmap.

atrete cyber securtiy

Only neutral security advice is good security advice

As IT security experts, we advise our customers never to bet everything on one horse. The use of different providers and technologies is crucial for the protection of your systems and data. Let us talk about how we can make your IT more secure. 

How atrete supports the implementation

Security concepts with vision

icon security architecture/ cyber securitySecurity strategy & architecture

With our support, you can develop an effective cyber security strategy and architecture based on it. The added value for you is always at the forefront of the development process.

icon security reviews/ cyber securityISDS Concepts & Reviews

Our security experts are happy to use their experience to develop secure information security and data protection concepts (ISDS concepts) for you. We also compare protection measures that have already been developed with the recommendations of common frameworks and identify gaps. Training based on our own experience is essential.

icon interim CISOCISO-as-a-Service & Governance

You want to protect your IT infrastructure but lack the know-how? atrete can provide you with an experienced interim Chief Information Security Officer to help you meet the security standards of customers, partners and authorities.

Learn more

Cyber resilience

Every infrastructure is potentially vulnerable. Our specialists know from practical experience how to get you up and running again quickly after an incident with clever preparatory measures. The measures for this are as individual as your application landscape.

Infrastructure Security

Our experts are fluent in Zero Trust, PAM and co. We provide you with product-neutral advice and show you the options and benefits. Our expert advice is based on our proximity to a wide range of market-leading products.

icon cloud security/ cyber securityCloud Security

We secure your cloud systems. To do this, we check your existing security concept for gaps, check which integrated cloud security services offer sufficient protection and where additional technologies make sense.

Consulting focus

  • Are classic zone concepts still necessary?
  • How do I design the optimal network segmentation?
  • What do zone concepts in and with the cloud look like? Keywords: zero trust, microsegmentation.
  • How do I implement a Network Access Control System?
  • How do I design a secure remote access?
  • How do I secure cloud access?
  • How do I design the Privilege Management and its access control? Keyword: Jumphost
  • What is secure Identity & Access Management?
  • Is my data secure in all phases of the data life cycle?
  • Do I have an adequate data security strategy?
  • How secure is the data in a development environment?
  • Do I need an extension of security through Data Rights Management?
  • Are auditability, traceability and accountability ensured?
  • How do I deal with Local Administrator privileges?
  • What does my Mobile Device Management look like?
  • How and where do I implement anti-virus/anti-malware systems?
  • Do I have a secure and consistent approach to computer access control?
  • Do I get the crucial information with an intrusion detection system?
  • Is my Intrusion Prevention System configured properly?
  • How do I set up Security Information and Event Management?
  • Does my company need a Security Operations Center?
  • Is my patch management and deployment sufficient?
  • Can I optimize my IT service continuity management and IT disaster recovery setup?
  • Can I meet my defined Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO)?
  • Are process adjustments necessary?
  • Are there weaknesses in clustering and load balancing?
  • Am I able to restore my systems after a cyber incident? What is my Mean time to recovery (MTTR)?
  • Are my backups secure and is my backup management consistent?

Christoph Pfister - Head of cyber security

Christoph Pfister
"Cyber incidents, malicious or not, are the biggest threat to any business in the world."

Are you interested in security consulting from atrete or the full protection of your company data?

Please contact us

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    Webinar recording: Improve your information security in 5 steps

  • Recording Webinar: Introducing Zero Trust Successfully

    Recording Webinar: Introducing Zero Trust Successfully

  • Recording Webinar: SCD DNA for the Implementation Partners

    Recording Webinar: SCD DNA for the Implementation Partners

  • Breakfast Roundtable Event: Firewall Application Tool

    Breakfast Roundtable Event: Firewall Application Tool